The Daily Square – (Let’s All) Turn On Edition

May 19th, 2007 · No Comments
by Kassia Krozser

Today’s links of interest:

  • That?s What I Like: Rare Book Clubs
    Tyson confesses too much. Way too much.
  • Rowling’s magic conjures prize for best book
    We quote: "Only if you had been living on Mars might you be surprised. The best book of the past 25 years is… J K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, at least according to a poll of book lovers."
  • Simon & Schuster Appears to Be Seeking a Permanent Stake in Authors’ Copyrights
    You’ve heard of the first herald of summer? This is the first herald of the digital age. S&S have quietly inserted a new clause in their standard agreements that changes the definition of "in print" for the purposes of rights revision. You know how other publishers are sometimes slow to follow trends? We suspect this will give new meaning to the concept of jumping on the bandwagon. Yeah, it’s bad news for authors.

File Under: The Daily Square